legalism has no place in lent…

I am learning a lot of things about myself through this lent process.  Things I never thought I would have even touched the surface on.  So many things are happening around me these days and I am beginning to see things through a different lense.  Things seem a little more clear now.  I have come … Continue reading

the prodigal side of lent…

I have come to the realization that part of my struggles with myself is that I have come to believe that I have to be someone else.  The Parable of the Prodigal Son comes to mind.  You know… where the “rebellious” brother asks his pops for his part of the fortune and the big brother … Continue reading

in the miracle business…

My cousin is doing well.  He is still in a comma, but he moved his hand and his toe.  Thank you so much for praying for him and I appreciate your continual prayers for him.  We have faith that God will heal him and his family will believe that it was not medicine that saved … Continue reading

lent’s tough days…

These past couple of days have been really hard.  I am doing really well with the whole not drinking coke or carbonated beverages.  It has not even been a week, but if I survived having my mouth wired shut and eating through a syringe for a month and a half, I am sure I can … Continue reading

cuba libre night…


hoping and wishing…

Today has been one of those days that I wish I was somewhere else.  Not because I am having a bad day or because I am depressed or anything like that, but because I want to be somewhere else.  I could use the break from the traffic and the congestion.  I wish I was with a … Continue reading

valentines day…

This is my official Valentines Day post.  I received the nicest note I have received in a long time.  My sister send me a t-shirt from Rome and the note said “tio Alex”.  Of corse my niece did not write that, but it was the first time I have ever received something in writing that … Continue reading

walking in his shoes…

I recently found out some hard news.  I am not sure how I feel or how I “should” feel right about now.  I want to cry and hurt with those who are hurting, but then again I feel that I have to be strong for those who need me to be strong.  I am not sure … Continue reading

march of the penguin…

Today, I had a brilliant idea.  Well, maybe this idea sounded better in my head than what it will actually turn out to be, but I am going to give it a shot.  This is the deal… I am going to incorporate my photography and my daily life and show it to you through a plastic … Continue reading

new – old toys…

What a day!  Today was one of those days that you just don’t know what’s is going on.  First, when I was fixing my hair I found a white hair.  Do you know what that does to a man’s self-esteem?  I have one word to say… DAMAGE.  I am not going to say that it takes … Continue reading