a dead man dyeing…

This is my eulogy.  Or at least what I think people would say about me if I died today. Alex, a person who learned to love life in his last days.  He was an individual who loved to laugh and had a passion for justice.  If you knew Alex, you would know that his personality … Continue reading

legalism has no place in lent…

I am learning a lot of things about myself through this lent process.  Things I never thought I would have even touched the surface on.  So many things are happening around me these days and I am beginning to see things through a different lense.  Things seem a little more clear now.  I have come … Continue reading

in the miracle business…

My cousin is doing well.  He is still in a comma, but he moved his hand and his toe.  Thank you so much for praying for him and I appreciate your continual prayers for him.  We have faith that God will heal him and his family will believe that it was not medicine that saved … Continue reading

lent’s tough days…

These past couple of days have been really hard.  I am doing really well with the whole not drinking coke or carbonated beverages.  It has not even been a week, but if I survived having my mouth wired shut and eating through a syringe for a month and a half, I am sure I can … Continue reading